We welcome you to join us in building a Healthy Church
- 團契交通更溫暖 We welcome you to join us in building a Healthy Church
- 門徒訓練更深進 Growing deeper through Discipleship
- 敬拜讚美更壯大 Growing stronger through Worship
- 事工服恃更寛廣 Growing broader through Ministry
- 福音傳揚更有效 Growing large through Evangelism
Announcements 公告
Pastor Daniel Chan was invited to share God’s messages in Houston, Texas.
Let us join together to celebrate the faithful service of Pastor Leung
Date & Time 日期及時間:9/28, 11:30am
Venue 地點: Lobster Bay 龍蝦灣, 18888 Latin Court, Rowland Heights
Cost 費用: 每位$30/person, free for ages 5 and under.
Table will be set up at the patio for registration every Sunday until 9/15. Cash is preferred.
每週日至9/15 日在副堂門外親身登記。現金為佳。
WMU would like to invite all sisters to have a sweet fellowship on 9/14 at
10AM-1PM at Fellowship Hall. Pastor Eng will share “Walk and Serve Together”.
Please register thru the QR code provided.
茶會將於9 月14 日上午 10 時到下午1 時在副堂舉行。
September 16-18 @Mandarin Baptist Church of LA. 在洛杉磯國語浸信會
You are invited to register and attend the biennial conference hosted by the Chinese Baptist Fellowship.
CBCOC’s own pastors – Pastors Daniel and Ryan will be speaking for a session each.
Go to the website for more information and registration: https://chinesebaptists.org/conf2024en/
邀請您參加由美加華人浸信會聯會主辦的兩年一度的會議; 張牧師和
Please sign up & celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival Potluck dinner!
9/29 9am-12:30pm WMU will be collecting household items to support refugee
families ministry at VOR. Please place donations on any of the tables surrounding the planter. Gently used household items needed: blenders, nonstick pots & pans, rectangular & round baking sheets, food processor, tea kettles, microwaves, pressure cookers, tea & waters glass cups, vacuums, irons, utensils, silverware. Brand new items needed: cleaning supplies (mops, brooms), diapers (size 4,5,6), and baby wipes. Please pray for the refugee families in OC to know the gospel!
9/29 週日9am-12:30pm, 女傳道會在教會為難民之聲服務的難民收集日常用 品。
需要全新品:清潔用品(拖把、掃把)、尿布(4,5,6 號)和嬰兒濕紙巾等;