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We welcome you to join us in building a Healthy Church

橙縣華人浸信會 CBCOC - 雙語堂主日聚會

時間: 10:45 AM

信息: 開始蒙福的人生
Sermon: The Beginning of a Blessed Life
讀經: 詩篇 1
Scripture: Psalm 1

下主日講道 湯仲擎牧師
Next Sunday Sermon : Pastor Andrew Tong
翻譯 :梁小瑤姊妹
Interpreter: Brenda Wang


國語崇拜Mandarin Worship Service 9:15am
粵⁄英語崇拜Bilingual Worship Service10:45am
儿童崇拜Children Worship Program 9:15am – 10:30am
雙語堂主日學 Bilingual Sunday School 9:15 am
國語主日學 Mandarin Sunday School 10:45 am

我們的存檔Our Archive

  • 2012-2023信息存檔Sermon
  • 聯絡我們

    地址:412 East Broadway, Anaheim, CA 92805


    Announcements 公告

  • Pastor Chan Away 9/11-15 牧者出外證道
    Pastor Daniel Chan was invited to share God’s messages in Houston, Texas.

  • Appreciation/Retirement Luncheon for Senior Pastor 榮休午宴
    Let us join together to celebrate the faithful service of Pastor Leung
    Date & Time 日期及時間:9/28, 11:30am
    Venue 地點: Lobster Bay 龍蝦灣, 18888 Latin Court, Rowland Heights
    Cost 費用: 每位$30/person, free for ages 5 and under.
    Table will be set up at the patio for registration every Sunday until 9/15. Cash is preferred.
    每週日至9/15 日在副堂門外親身登記。現金為佳。

  • WMU Tea Party 女傳道茶會
    WMU would like to invite all sisters to have a sweet fellowship on 9/14 at
    10AM-1PM at Fellowship Hall. Pastor Eng will share “Walk and Serve Together”.
    Please register thru the QR code provided.
    茶會將於9 月14 日上午 10 時到下午1 時在副堂舉行。

  • Chinese Baptist Fellowship Conference 美加華人浸信會聯會會議
    September 16-18 @Mandarin Baptist Church of LA. 在洛杉磯國語浸信會
    You are invited to register and attend the biennial conference hosted by the Chinese Baptist Fellowship.
    CBCOC’s own pastors – Pastors Daniel and Ryan will be speaking for a session each.
    Go to the website for more information and registration: https://chinesebaptists.org/conf2024en/
    邀請您參加由美加華人浸信會聯會主辦的兩年一度的會議; 張牧師和

  • Bilingual Mid-Autunm Festival Celebration 9/21 雙語堂合家歡聚慶中秋-百家樂晚餐
    Please sign up & celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival Potluck dinner!

  • Donations for Refugee Families 為難民家庭捐日常用品
    9/29 9am-12:30pm WMU will be collecting household items to support refugee
    families ministry at VOR. Please place donations on any of the tables surrounding the planter. Gently used household items needed: blenders, nonstick pots & pans, rectangular & round baking sheets, food processor, tea kettles, microwaves, pressure cookers, tea & waters glass cups, vacuums, irons, utensils, silverware. Brand new items needed: cleaning supplies (mops, brooms), diapers (size 4,5,6), and baby wipes. Please pray for the refugee families in OC to know the gospel!
    9/29 週日9am-12:30pm, 女傳道會在教會為難民之聲服務的難民收集日常用 品。
    需要全新品:清潔用品(拖把、掃把)、尿布(4,5,6 號)和嬰兒濕紙巾等;

  • Month of September Bilingual LUNCH SETUP