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We welcome you to join us in building a Healthy Church

橙縣華人浸信會 CBCOC - 雙語堂主日聚會

時間: 10:45 AM

信息: 耶穌的比喻 / 梁誠德牧師 Sermon: The Parable of Jesus / Pastor Leung
讀經: 馬太福音 13:44-58
Scripture: Matthew 13:44-58

Sunday Sermon Next Sunday 下主日講道: Pastor Chan / 陳東昇牧師


國語崇拜Mandarin Worship Service 9:15am
粵⁄英語崇拜Bilingual Worship Service10:45am
儿童崇拜Children Worship Program 9:15am – 10:30am
雙語堂主日學 Bilingual Sunday School 9:15 am
國語主日學 Mandarin Sunday School 10:45 am

我們的存檔Our Archive

  • 2012-2023信息存檔Sermon
  • 聯絡我們

    地址:412 East Broadway, Anaheim, CA 92805


    Announcements 公告

  • Welcome
    Welcome to our new guests today, and after the service, we hope you will stay and have lunch with us to introduce you to our life of discipleship
    and to get to know you better.
    歡迎今天蒞臨的新來賓,崇拜結束後,我們希望您留步和我們午膳; 為您介紹我們的門徒生活,也希望更多地認識您!

  • Staff Time Away 牧者放假
    7/26-29 金承哲傳道 Minister Eugene Kim
    7/27-8/3 張耕良牧師 Pastor Ryan Cheung
    7/30 孟德奎傳道 Minster Derek Meng

  • Pastor Daniel Chan on Staff 陳東昇牧師上任加入同工 We welcome Pastor Daniel Chan on staff starting Thursday, August 1. Pray for Pastor Chan and his family for their transition to our church family.
    教會歡迎陳牧師從 8 月 1 日星期四開始加入同工。為陳牧師和他的 家人來到我們的大家庭禱告。

  • Church Summer Picnic 教會夏季野餐
    Date 日期: Saturday, August 24 (8 月 24 日, 週六);
    Time 時間: 10AM to 1PM
    Place: Parque del Arroyo Verde (1001 E. Palm Dr., Placentia, CA 92870)
    Cost: Free 費用全免.
    Things to Bring 攜帶的物品: We recommend people bring chairs and/or picnic blankets for extra seating. Food/drinks will be provided.
    Parking 停車位: Parking is very limited. There is ample street parking on Warren Street and Cedarlawn Drive. Try to carpool if possible.
    停車位非常有限, 可停泊在 Warren Street and Cedarlawn Drive 路邊; 建議嘗試共乘。
    RSVP: Please register thru this link https://www.cbcoc.org/picnic by August 4.
    請點擊上面鏈接報名, 截止日期: 8 月 4 日。 邀請您並與家人,朋友一起參加, 詳情請參考教會網頁。

  • WMU Tea Party 女傳道茶會
    WMU would like to invite all sisters to have a sweet fellowship on 9/14 from 10AM-1PM at Fellowship Hall. We have invited Pastor Eng and the topic is “Walk and Serve Together”.
    茶會將於 9 月 14 日上午 10 時到下午 1 時在聯誼廰舉行。我們邀請了 伍偉廉牧師分享題目: 同行與侍奉。

  • Children Minister Search 兒童傳道招聘
    Please contact our chair Nhi Mar for referral. 請向聘請委員會主席 Nhi Mar 推介。