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2021 Sunday Worship

2024-主日崇拜信息Sermon Archive

日期/講員/題目/經文 信息資源
信息: 完全徹底成聖 / 梁誠德牧師
Sermon: Sanctified Completely / Pastor Leung
讀經: 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:23-28
Scripture: I Thes. 5:23-28
2024-4-14-主日崇拜直播視頻 投影片

2024-4-14 崇拜信息sermon視頻video 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration 認識主真快樂Happiness Is The Lord視頻video, 投影片pdf
回應 Response 榮耀主聖名Glorify Thy name 視頻video ,投影片pdf
信息: 活在聖靈中 / 梁誠德牧師 Sermon: Keep In step of the Holy Spirit / Pastor Leung 讀經: 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:15-22
2024-4-7-主日崇拜直播視頻 投影片

2024-4-7崇拜信息sermon視頻video 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration 聖靈之歌Spirit Song 視頻video, 投影片pdf
回應 Response 我是葡萄樹I Am The Vine 視頻video ,投影片pdf
信息: 祂已復活 / 梁誠德牧師 Sermon: He Is Risen / Pastor Leung 讀經: 哥林多前書 15:1-4
2024-3-31-主日崇拜直播視頻 投影片

2024-3-31 崇拜信息sermon視頻video 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration 唱詩 Singspiration 復活節早晨頌歌Easter Morning Medley 視頻video, 投影片pdf
回應 Response 主活著He Lives 視頻video ,投影片pdf
信息:光明白畫之子/ 梁誠德牧師
Children of light and day/ Pastor Leung
讀經: 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:1-11
Scripture: I Thes. 5:1-11
2024-3-24-主日崇拜直播視頻 投影片


講道大綱 Outline:
1. Enter the unknown 進入黑境 (vv. 1-2)
2. Expect the surprise 黑境奇緣 (vv. 3-5)
3. Experience the awakening 經歷復甦 (vv. 6-8)
4. Encourage the weary 重拾盼望 (vv. 9-11)

2024-3-24 崇拜信息sermon視頻video 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration 齊來崇拜 Let’s Worship Together 視頻video, 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration 歡唱頌揚 Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee 視頻video, 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration 最好的福氣 The Most Wonderful Blessing 視頻video, 投影片pdf
回應 Response 更新我心意 Change My Heart Oh God 視頻video ,投影片pdf

信息:拉撒路出來! / 黃嘉生牧師
Lazarus, come out! / Pastor James Hwang
讀經: 約翰福音 11:38-44
Scripture: John 11:38-44
2024-3-17-主日崇拜直播視頻 投影片


講道大綱 Outline:
1. 拉撒路睡了Lazarus has fallen asleep
2. 拉撒路出來Lazarus, come out!
3. 拉撒路作見證Lazarus Witnessing
4. 拉撒路坐席Lazarus Celebrating with Christ
5. 拉撒路被逼迫Lazarus Enduring Persecution for Christ
6. 拉撒路和我們的關係Lazarus and us

2024-3-17 崇拜信息sermon視頻video 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration 如鹿切慕溪水As The Deer 視頻video, 投影片pdf
回應 Response 耶穌 我的主Jesus, Lord To Me 視頻video ,投影片pdf

信息:彼此相愛候主降臨 / 梁誠德牧師
Love one another and wait for Him / Pastor Leung
讀經: 帖撒羅尼迦前書 4:9-18
Scripture: I Thes. 4:9-18
2024-3-10-主日崇拜直播視頻 投影片


講道大綱 Outline:
1. 行出兄弟之愛 Love in action to brothers (vv. 9-12)
2. 勸慰主會再來 Encourage in Christ to come (vv. 13-18)

2024-3-3 崇拜信息sermon視頻video 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration 背起十架Take Up Your Cross 視頻video, 投影片pdf
回應 Response 枷鎖已除My Chains Are Gone 視頻video ,投影片pdf

信息:成為聖潔,無可責備 / 梁誠德牧師
Blameless in holiness / Pastor Leung
讀經: 帖撒羅尼迦前書 4:1-8
Scripture: I Thes. 4:1-8
2024-3-3-主日崇拜直播視頻 投影片


講道大綱 Outline:
1. 遵守教訓 Obey His teachings v. 1a
接受receive His teachings
知道怎樣行learn to know how
2. 討神喜悅 Life pleasing to God v. 1b
更進一步to do more
3. 要聖潔,遠避淫行 Sanctify and abstain from sexual immorality v. 3
4. 不放縱邪情私慾 not in the passion of lust vv. 4-5
5. 不越軌 no transgression v. 6
6. 神賜聖靈保守 God sent Holy Spirit to control vv. 7-8

2024-3-10崇拜信息sermon視頻video 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration 堅固盤石The Solid Rock 視頻video, 投影片pdf
回應 Response 何等美好Oh, How Good It Is 視頻video ,投影片pdf

信息: : 從安提阿到安提阿的跨越 / 慎勇牧師
Sermon: The Crossing from Antioch to Antioch / Pastor Mark Shen
讀經: 使徒行傳Acts 11:19-26
2024-2-25-主日崇拜直播視頻 投影片


講道大綱 Outline:
“Crossing" leads to the prosperity of the gospel of Antioch
2. 從安提阿帶出普世的「跨越」
From Antioch to the Global “Crossing"
3. 重返安提阿帶來新的「跨越」
Return to Antioch Brings a New “Crossing”

2024-2-25 崇拜信息sermon視頻video 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration 何等美好Oh, How Good It Is 視頻video, 投影片pdf
回應 Response 何等美好Oh, How Good It Is 視頻video ,投影片pdf

信息: 靠主站立得穩 / 梁誠德牧師
Sermon: Standing Fast in the Lord / Pastor Leung
讀經: 帖撒羅尼迦前書 3:1-13
Scripture: I Thes. 3:1-13
2024-2-18-主日崇拜直播視頻 投影片


講道大綱 Outline:
1. 提供援手 Send providence (vv. 1-5)
2. 提供證據 Send proofs (vv. 6-8)
3. 提供禱告 Send prayers (vv. 9-13)

2024-2-18-崇拜信息sermon視頻video, 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration 萬物讚美之聲 Give Me Oil in My Lamp視頻video, 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration基督光照 Shine Jesus Shine 視頻video, 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration 做個有福的人 Be A Blessed Person 視頻video, 投影片pdf
回應 Response 榮耀主聖名 Glorify Thy Name 視頻video ,投影片pdf

信息Message: What motivates mission?
講員Speaker:Pastor Leung 梁誠德牧師
讀經Scripture: 讀經: 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:13-20 I Thes. 2:13-20
2024-2-11-主日崇拜直播視頻 投影片


講道大綱 Outline:
1. 憑信接受真道Believe the word:
相信福音的動力 The Gospel Motivates (v. 13)
2. 效法其他教會Imitate other churches (mission):
願意忍受迫害 Endures prosecution in mission (vv. 12-16)
3. 以她為榮為樂 Have glory and joy in mission (vv. 17-20)

2024-2-11-崇拜信息sermon視頻video 投影片pdf
回應 Response 面對未收的莊稼Facing A Task Unfinished 視頻video ,投影片pdf

信息Message: Least, Least, Most - Paul's Example to Us
最少、最少、最多- 保羅的榜樣
講員Speaker:Missionary Eric Dong 鄧艾力宣教士
讀經Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:9 哥林多前書15:9,
Ephesians 3:8以弗所書 3:8,1 Timothy 1:15 提摩太前書1:15
2024-2-4-主日崇拜直播視頻, 投影片


講道大綱 Outline:
1. 林前15:9 我原是使徒中最小的、不配稱為使徒、因為我從前逼迫 神 的教會。
For I am the least of the apostles, unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.
2. 弗 3:8 “我本來比眾聖徒中最小的還小.然而他還賜我這恩典、叫我 把基督那測不透的豐富、傳給外邦人。
“To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ
3. 提前1:15 “基督耶穌降世、為要拯救罪人.這話是可信的、是十分 可佩服的.在罪人中我是個罪魁。
The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.

2024-2-4-崇拜信息sermon 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration 耶穌, 我愛祢Jesus I love you視頻video, 投影片pdf
回應 Response 因祂活著 Because He Lives 視頻video ,投影片pdf

信息Message: 進入神的內心 / Into the heart of God
講員Speaker:陳東昇牧師Pastor Daniel Chan
讀經Scripture: 讀經Scripture: 路加福音Luke 18:9-14
2024-1-28-主日崇拜直播視頻, 投影片


講道大綱 Outline:
1. 怎樣才是一個發自內心的禱告? What makes a heart-felt prayer?
2. 兩種禱告發自兩種心態。Two kind of prayers out of two kind of hearts.
3. 要進入神的心意就先要調整自己的心態。Tuning into the heart of God.

2024-1-28-崇拜信息sermon視頻video, 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration 大哉,聖哉,耶穌尊名 All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name 視頻video, 投影片pdf
回應 Response 我一生求主管理 Take My Life, and Let It Be Consecrated視頻video ,投影片pdf

信息Message: 忠心的管家 / Faithful Steward
講員Speaker:梁誠德牧師Pastor Leung
讀經Scripture: 帖撒羅尼迦前書I Thes. 2:1-12
2024-1-21-主日崇拜直播視頻, 投影片


講道大綱 Outline:
1. 兄弟 Brotherhood (vv. 1-6)
2. 慈母 Motherhood (vv. 7-8)
3. 仁父 Fatherhood (vv. 9-12)

2024-1-21-崇拜信息sermon視頻video, 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration 萬千理由 / 10,000 Reasons 視頻video, 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration 天地讚美 / Heaven and Earth Sing Unto Him 視頻video, 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration 立志擺上/ Determined to Proclaim Jesus Christ 視頻video, 投影片pdf
回應 Response 萬千理由 / 10,000 Reasons 視頻video ,投影片pdf

信息Message: 愛的呼召與服事 / Called to Serve
講員Speaker:麥中堂牧師 Pastor Simon Mak
讀經Scripture:約翰福音John 21:15-18, 馬太福音 Matthew 7:22-23
2024-1-14-主日崇拜直播視頻, 投影片


講道大綱 Outline:
1. 上帝的呼召 – 服事之根本
2. 認識上帝的呼召
3. 愛的呼召 – 人之所做 vs 人之所是

2024-1-14-崇拜信息sermon視頻video, 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration 使我復興Revive Us Again 視頻video ,投影片pdf
回應 Response 榮耀歸主基督All Glory be to Christ 視頻video ,投影片pdf

信息Message: 下一步是甚麼? What's next?
講員Speaker:梁誠德牧師Pastor Leung
讀經Scriptur: 帖撒羅尼迦前書1:2-10

2024-1-7-主日崇拜直播視頻, 投影片

1. 蒙召 Chosen
2. 效法 Imitator
3. 榜樣 Exemplar

2024-1-7-崇拜信息sermon視頻video, 投影片pdf
唱詩 Singspiration Great God We Sing Your Mighty Hand 齊來稱颂偉大之神 視頻video ,投影片pdf
回應 Response All Glory Be To Christ 榮耀歸主基督 視頻video ,投影片pdf

主日聖經學校: 9:15AM

課 程 教 室 資源
箴言 & 雅歌 Proverbs & Song of Songs English
Daniel Ng,Edward King & Perry Lo 英
科技教室Tech Center Lab./Zoom 6/7 Session 1: God’s Word warns us of the consequences of foolish choices. Proverbs 1:7-19
6/14 Session 2: God provides direction to those who place their trust in Him. Proverbs 3:1-12
6/21 Session 3: Following God’s wisdom is demonstrated in how a person treats others. Proverbs 3:21-35
以賽亞書 Isaiah 1-12
Dr. Andrew Ma 馬志星教授 粵
正堂樓上(左邊) 203A/Zoom 以賽亞書 Isaiah 1-12 pdf ,
探討聖經課程 Life Way Explore the Bible 約伯記&傳道書 Job & Ecclesiastes E
英E Daniel Ng & Edward King
探討聖經課程 Life Way Explore the Bible 約伯記&傳道書 Job & Ecclesiastes E
粵C Sam Chung, Sam Kwok
探討聖經課程 Life Way Explore the Bible 約伯記&傳道書 Job & Ecclesiastes E
粵C James Au, Antony Hui & Steve Ng

聖經和福音有關的網站與書籍Bible and the gospel-related websites and books

Discipleship Evangelism
Don't Stub Your Toe
基督生活網Chinese Christian Life Web
改變生命的故事:《彼岸》光盤, 遠志明