CBCOC simplified introduction page
橙縣華人浸信會 CBCOC -
39 anniversary Bannerr

庆祝教会成立五十週年 50th Anniversary

橙县华人浸信会CBCOC 50 Anniversary Celebration Video视频
50 anniversary 50 anniversary 50 anninversaryBanquet

50 anninversaryBil 50 anniversary English 50    Bilingaul Congregation 雙語堂         English Congregation英語堂           Mandarin Congregation國語堂   

庆祝教会成立四十九週年 49th Anniversary

橙县华人浸信会CBCOC 49Anniversary Celebration Video视频
49 anninversaryBil 49 anniversary English 49    Bilingaul Congregation 双语堂         English Congregation英语堂         Mandarin Congregation国语堂 

庆祝教会成立四十八週年 48th Anniversary

1. 橙县华人浸信会週年联合感恩崇拜 CBCOC 48 Anniversary Combined Praise Service
2.宴会banquet 视频video 48th

48th 48th 48th

庆祝教会成立四十七週年 47th Anniversary

橙县华人浸信会週年联合感恩崇拜 CBCOC 47 Anniversary Combined Praise Service
2021-4-25主日崇拜直播视频 Worship Service live stream 视频video, 影集photos


庆祝教会成立四十五週年 45th Anniversary

1.感恩联合崇拜 Combined Praise Service 讚美视频 Praise video, 影集photos
2.宴会banquet 影集 photos

庆祝教会成立四十四週年 44th Anniversary - 感恩联合崇拜 & 午餐Combined Praise Service & Lunch - 视频video

44 anniversary Bannerr

庆祝教会成立四十叁週年 43rd Anniversary

43nd 43nd 43nd 43nd

*庆祝教会成立四十二週年 42nd Anniversary

42nd 42nd 42nd 42nd

庆祝教会成立四十一週年 Strive For What’s Ahead 努力面前

感恩联合崇拜,午餐 41th Anniversary Combined Praise Service and Lunch

*庆祝教会成立四十週年-新的四十年,新的转变 Transformed for the next 40 years

*庆祝活动照片 Celebration activities photo collections
一个美丽的见證 A beautiful testimony
*各代表团体演出 Groups presentations
四十週年曲 40Anniversary Theme Song



感恩联合崇拜 39th Anniversary Combined Praise Service

  1. 讚美 Singspiration(video)
  2. 奉献 Offering(video)
  3. 献诗 CBU presentation(video)
  4. 信息 Message(audio)
  5. 见證 Testimony(video)
  6. 祝福 Remarks and Benediction(video)

聚餐 39th Anniversary Dinner







2015年5月31日 - 赵牧师安息主怀。

Pastor Hai-Lin

在一九九六 教会展望会中决定成立国语崇拜,







Pastor Hai-Lin Pastor Hai-Lin Pastor Hai-Lin
Pastor Hai-Lin Pastor Hai-Lin Pastor Hai-Lin




  1. 林牧师"为教会守望"信息视频 Pastor Lum's message "Stand Watch for Our Church" Video
  2. 林牧师独唱视频 Pastor Lum's solo video
  3. 6/30/2013 那天 6/30/2013 The Day
  4. 6/29/2013 林牧师荣休聚餐 Pastor Lum's Retirement Dinner。

於2012/7/1, 邓光复牧师回应神的呼召,接受教会邀请,邓光复牧师开始在国语堂牧会

Pastor Teng Pastor Teng Pastor Teng Pastor Teng

2015 January,梁牧師回應神的呼召,接受教會邀請,開始在雙語堂牧會
CBCOC calls Rev. Tony Leung to shepherding Bilingual Congregation

  1. 梁牧师就职礼 Pastor Leung's Installation Video
  2. 欢迎梁诚德牧师午餐 Welcome Pastor Tony Leung's lunch

Pastor Leung Pastor Leung Pastor Leung Pastor Leung

於2014/5/4,Jessie Lee 正式就职为青年传道就职

2015/7/12 按立周修强传道为牧师典礼 Raymond Chow's Ordination Video视频 *影集

Raymond chow Raymond chow Raymond chow Raymond chow

2015/8/30 长老就职典礼 Installation for Elders Video视频

Elders1 Elders4 Elders2 Elders3

2015/9/6 张耕良传道授證 Licensing of Ryan Cheung Video视频

English Pastor English Pastor English Pastor

2015/10/4 新执事就职典礼New Deacons Installation Video视频

New Deacons New Deacons New Deacons New Deacons

2016/3/13 真道华人浸信会献堂典礼 Truth Chinese Baptist Church Dedication Service Video视频

TCBC Dedication TCBC Dedication

2016/5/28 伍伟廉牧师荣休 Rev. William Eng Retirement Celebration
Pastor Eng Retirement Pastor Eng Retirement Pastor Eng Retirement

  1. 影集Photo album
  2. 分组上台 group presentation 视频 videro

2018 国语堂牧者-邓光复牧师 任教于GETS Theological Seminary创欣神学院

 pastor Teng goodbye1  pastor Teng goodbye2 pastor Teng goodbye3

2018/12/2 国语堂牧者-杨保罗牧师就职典礼Installation Ceremony

pastor Yang installation pastor Yang installation pastor Yang installation

林正梅弟兄退休快乐 Happy Retirement-Gee Lim

Gee Retirement Gee Retirement

2023/9/24 國語堂成立二十七週年

Mandarin 17 anniverary <

2024/9/1 陈东昇牧师 就任双语堂牧师典礼。Pastor Daniel Chan’s Inauguration Ceremony Video视频

pastor Chan installation pastor CHan installation pastor Chan installation

2024/9/28 主任牧师及双语牧师 梁诚德牧师 Senior Pastor & Bilingual Pastor Tony Leung Retirement Celebration


pastor Leung retirement