日期/講員/題目/經文 |
信息資源 |
2022-12-25 聖誕聯合崇拜Joint Christmas Service
因有一嬰孩為我們而生 For Unto Us A Child Is Born
梁誠德牧師Pastor Tony Leun
以賽亞書 Isaiah 9:6
1. 宣召及祈禱 Call to Worship & Pastoral Prayer 張耕良牧師 Pastor Ryan Cheung
2. 敬拜讚美/樂團伴奏 Singspiration With Instrumental Ensemble
普世歡騰 Joy To The World!
聽啊天使高聲唱 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
請聽天使在高唱 Angels We Have Heard On High 視頻video,
3. 悔禱 Prayer of Confession 陳勁暉長老 Elder Kenneth Tan 視頻video
4. 坐在寶座上聖潔羔羊 The Holy Lamb On The Throne
真道華人浸信會詩班 Truth Chinese Baptist Church Choir 視頻video,
5. 耶穌寶寶 Gesu Bambino 徐家讚美團 Hsu Family Worship
6. 橙縣華人浸信會兒童敬拜
哈利路亞 讚美救主 Hallelujah Praise Ye The Lord,感恩歌 Thank you, Lord,向主歡呼 Shout To The Lord
7. 祈求 Prayer of Petition 楊保羅牧師 Pastor Paul Yang 視頻video
8. 主救贖將臨 Salvation Will Come 國語詩班 Mandarin Choir 視頻video,
9. 讀經 Scripture Reading 以賽亞書 Isaiah 9:6
周修強牧師 Pastor Raymond Chow, 唐海威弟兄 Brother Andy Tong, 周理博弟兄 Brother Shell Joe
10. 信息 因有一嬰孩為我們而生 梁誠德牧師 Sermon For Unto Us A Child Is Born Pastor Tony Leung
傳譯(國) Mandarin Translation* 薛金全弟兄 Brother Frank Shay
同時提供粵語翻譯 Cantonese translation also available
11. 齊來宗主信徒 O Come, All Ye Faithful 視頻video,
11b.哈利路亞頌 Hallelujah Chorus聖誕詩班 Christmas Choir 視頻video
12. 祝福 Benediction 三位牧師 Pastors 視頻video
13. 午餐溫馨提示 Invitation to Lunch 吳漢英長老 Elder Daniel Ng 視頻video
14. 謝飯禱告 Blessing of the Food 楊積庠長老 Elder Chi Yang 視頻video
書卷帶來敬拜Scroll that Brings Us to Worship
梁誠德牧師Pastor Tony Leung
啟示錄 Revelation 5:1-14
2022-12-18-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-12-18-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 最美麗聖名 The Beautiful Name 視頻video
回應 Response 恩惠 慈愛與感動 Grace, Love and Fellowship 視頻video
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寶石的形象 Image of Precious Stone
梁誠德牧師Pastor Tony Leung
啟示錄 Revelation 4:1-11
2022-12-11-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-12-11-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 榮耀天軍 Angels From The Realms Of Glory 視頻video
回應 Response 最美麗聖名 The Beautiful Name 視頻video
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敬拜就是親近主 Worship Is Close to Lord
梁誠德牧師Pastor Tony Leung
啟示錄 Revelation 4:1-11
2022-12-4-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-12-4Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 感謝神 Thanks To God For My Redeemer 視頻video
回應 Response 感恩 Give Thanks Medley 視頻video
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童子王的一生 Life of A Child King
伍堅仰執事 Deacon Steve Ng
2 Kings 列王記下 22:1-2, 8-11; 23:1-3, 21-25
2022-11-27-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video
講道大綱 Outline:
1.童子王 Child King
2. 約西亞的復興 Josiah’s Revival
A. 清除所有罪惡 Purging All Evil
B. 轉向上帝 Turning Toward God
3. 戰死沙場 Killed in A Battle
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-11-27-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 感恩 Give Thanks Medley 視頻video
回應 Response 感謝神 Thanks To God For My Redeemer 視頻video
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何崇熙牧師 Pastor Andrew Ho
詩篇 Psalm 116: 1-19
2022-11-20-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video
講道大綱 Outline:
1. Hallelujah for His wonderful work 因祂有奇妙的作為 (vv. 1-4)
2. Hallelujah for His perfect salvation 因祂有全備的救恩 (vv. 5-8)
3. Hallelujah for His eternal blessings 因祂有永生的福樂 (vv. 9-11)
4. Hallelujah for His abundant Grace 因祂有豐富的恩典 (vv. 12-19)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-11-20-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 感謝神 Thanks To God For My Redeemer 視頻video
回應 Response 感恩 Give Thanks Medley 視頻video
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感謝神有一,有多 Thank God for One and Many
黃嘉生牧師 Pastor James Hwang
哥林多前書 1 Corinthians 12:12-26
2022-11-13-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video
講道大綱 Outline:
1. 一個很有恩賜教會的典範 An example of a very gifted church
2. 一個毛病百出教會的警惕 Yet a very troubled church
3. 對症下藥 A cure for all ills
4. 一 到 多: ______ One to many:_______
5. 多 到 一: ______ Many to one: ______
6. 感謝神: 最大的恩賜是_____ Give Thanks - The greatest gift of _____
7. 合一 vs.____; 多元 vs.____ Unity and U______; Diversity and D_____
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-11-13-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 數主恩典 Count Your Blessings 視頻video
回應 Response 感謝神 Thanks To God For My Redeemer 視頻video
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意想不到的經歷 Unexpected Encounter
郭劍虹弟兄 Samuel Kwok
約翰福音 8:1-11 John 7:53-8:11
2022-11-06-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video
講道大綱 Outline:
一、 一些我應該得到的 I. Something I deserve
二、 一些我不應該得到 II. Something I don't deserve
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-10-30-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 感謝神 Thanks To God For My Redeemer 視頻video
回應 Response 仰望我神 Behold Our God 視頻video
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於盼望及喜樂中前行 Press on in Hope and Joy
馬志星牧師 Pastor Andrew Ma
腓立比書 Philippians 3: 12 - 16
2022-10-30-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
22022-10-30-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 祢的信實廣大 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 視頻video
回應 Response 將你最好的獻於主 Give Of Your Best To The Master 視頻video
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隱秘的角落 The Hidden Corner
方鎮明博士 Dr. Chun Ming Fong
路加福音 Luke: 5:1-11
2022-10-23-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-10-23-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 堅固磐石 The Solid Rock 視頻video
回應 Response 我心靈得安寧 It Is Well With My Soul 視頻video
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夢想是由什麼組成的 What Dreams Are Made Of
張耕良牧師 Pastor Ryan Cheung
詩篇 Psalm 12
2022-10-16-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video
講道大綱 Outline:
1. 專注於未來 Dwell on the Future (vv. 1-3)
2. 禱告在今時 Pray in the Present (vv. 4-6)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-10-16-Bilingual Sermon视频Video
唱詩 Singspiration 向高處行 Higher Ground 視頻video
回應 Response 我知誰掌管前途 I Know Who Holds The Future 視頻video
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順著聖靈而行 Walking By The Spirit
林崇智牧師 Pastor David Lum
加拉太書Galatians 5:16-25
2022-10-9-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video,
講道大綱 Outline:
1. 順著聖靈而行的意義 Meaning of walking by the Spirit
2. 順著聖靈行事的重要 Importance of walking by the Spirit
3. 如何順著聖靈而行 How to walk by the Spirit
4. 屬靈的操練 Spiritual disciplines
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-10-9-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration主啊, 祢真美麗 O Lord, You're Beautiful 視頻video,
回應 Response 我心獻曲My Tribute 視頻video,
pdf |
宣教分享主日聯合崇拜 Mission Sharing Sunday Combined Worship
信息 Message : 敬拜之心 Heart Of Worship 橙縣宣教主任 OC Director of Missions Dr. Victor Chayasirisobhon
傳譯 Interpreter :
1. 歡迎及會務報告 Welcome & Announcements 張耕良牧師 Pastor Ryan
2. 宣召 Call to Worship 張耕良牧師 Pastor Ryan視頻 video
3.唱詩 Song of Praise 萬邦之歌 Song For The Nations 雙語堂詩班 Bilingual Choir
視頻 video
4. 短宣分享 Mission Presentation祈禱 Prayer Of Confession 張耕良牧師 Pastor Ryan
視頻 video
5.唱詩 Song Of Reflection 面對未收的莊稼 Facing a Task Unfinished
視頻 video
6.短宣分享 Mission Presentation: God's Glory In CBCOC's Mission History
7.牧禱 Prayer for The Nations & CBCOC’s Missionaries 保羅牧師 Pastor Paul Yang
視頻 video
8. 讀經 Scripture Reading 詩篇 Psalms 51:10-17
孟德奎傳道 Min. Derek Meng /金承哲傳道 Min. Eugene Kim/唐海威 Andy Tong
視頻 video
9. 信息 Message 敬拜之心 Heart Of Worship 橙縣宣教主任 OC Director of Missions Dr. Victor Chayasirisobhon
傳譯 Interpreter (國) Mandarin Sister Hannah Zhang , (粵) Cantonese 朱鄭慧靈 Jennie Chu (headphones)
視頻 video,
10.主餐 Lord’s Supper 哥林多前書 1 Corinthians 11:23-32
張耕良牧師 Pastor Ryan /楊保羅牧師 Pastor Paul Yang
結束及奉獻祈禱 Closing and Offertory Prayer 張耕良牧師 Pastor Ryan
三一頌 Doxology & 祝福 Benediction 張耕良牧師 Pastor Ryan /楊保羅牧師 Pastor Paul Yang
視頻 video
Dr. Chun Ming Fong/方鎮明博士
等候所應許的聖靈 Waiting for The Promised Holy Spirit
使徒行傳 Acts 1:1-8
2022-9-25-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video,
講道大綱 Outline:
1. The Disciples Questions: “Is Jesus the Messiah?”,“Shall Jesus Revive the Kingdom of Israel?”
2. Jesus’ Response, “Waiting on the Promised Holy Spirit.”
3. Pray for Revival with Expectation 帶著期望的復興禱告
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-9-25-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration面對未收的莊稼 Facing A Task Unfinished 視頻video,
回應 Response 聖靈之歌 Spirit Song 視頻video,
pdf |
The Perseverance of The Mission 福音使命的堅持
Pastor Andrew Ma/馬志星牧師
羅馬書 Romans 1: 1
2022-9-18-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video,
講道大綱 Outline:
1. 耶穌基督奴僕的保羅
2. 奉召作使徒的保羅
3. 特派傳神的福音的保羅
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-9-18-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration萬邦之歌 Song For The Nations視頻video,
回應 Response 祢的信實廣大 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 視頻video,
pdf |
Pastor James Hwang 黃嘉生牧師
Knowing the True Word 看哪,我站在門外叩門
John 約1:1-5; 14-18; Psalms 詩119:89-96, 105-112
2022-9-11-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video,
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-9-11-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 昨日, 今日, 到永遠 Yesterday, Today, Forever 視頻video,
回應 Response 祢的話Thy Word 視頻video,
pdf |
James Au 區潤明
Here I am! I Stand at The Door and Knock 看哪,我站在門外叩門
啟示錄 Revelation 3:20
2022-9-4-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video,
講道大綱 Outline:
1. Christless Christianity/The Alternate Gospel of the American Church
2. Jesus’ gospel of the Kingdom of God, (Mark 可 1:15)
3. Church of Laodicea (Rev. 啟 3:14-21) 老底嘉教會
4. To avoid become a Christless Church (John 約 14:20, Titus 多 1:9)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-9-4-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration使我復興 Revive Us Again 視頻video,
回應 Response我願常見祢 Be Thou My Vision 視頻video,
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伍威廉牧師 Pastor William Eng
三種順服/Three Kinds of Surrenders
Philippians 2:1-8
2022-8-28-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video,
講道大綱 Outline:
1. By surrendering to one another as Christ did. 彼此順服
2. By surrendering in various situation. 在各種情況下順服
3. By the same kind of submission to God that Jesus had.像耶穌一樣順服神
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-8-28-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 堅固磐石 The Solid Rock 視頻video,
回應 Response主耶穌, 我曾應許 O Jesus, I Have Promised 視頻video,
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麥中堂牧牧師 Pastor Simon Mak
義人的道路The Way Of The Righteous
詩篇 Psalms 1:1-6
2022-8-14-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video,
講道大綱 Outline:
一、 引言/ Intro
二、 義人的道路是 / The Way of Righeous
1. 拒絕跟從邪惡世俗的道路 / Refusal to following evil worldly ways
2. 喜愛遵從神的律法的道路 / Delighted in godly and obedient way of
3. 多結果子亨通順利的道路 / A path of fruitfulness and prosperity
三、 結 語 / Conclusion)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-8-21-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 昨日, 今日, 到永遠 Yesterday, Today, Foreve 視頻video,
回應 Response 祢的話 Thy Word 視頻video,
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林崇智牧師 Pastor David Lum
赦罪之恩 Grace of Forgiveness
詩篇 Psalms 130:1-8
2022-8-14-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video,
講道大綱 Outline:
赦罪之恩惠是最值得歌頌和見証的 Grace of forgiveness is most worthy of praise and testimony
1. 有罪的深處痛苦 The depth of pain in sins (vv.1-2)
2. 赦罪之奇異恩典 Amazing grace of forgiveness (vv.3-4)
3. 守候的蒙恩盼望 Hope for grace by waiting and watching (vv.5-6)
4. 宣告赦罪之恩 Proclaiming the grace of forgiveness (vv.7-8)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-8-14-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration為何要歌頌耶穌? Why Do I Sing About Jesus? 視頻video,
回應 Response我心獻曲 My Tribute 視頻video,
pdf |
揀選卻不服從 Being Chosen But Disobeyed
伍堅仰執事 Deacon Setve Ng
列王紀上1 Kings 12:20-33
2022-8-7-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video,
1. 神三次確認耶羅波安為以色列王 Three times God had confirmed
Jeroboam as king of Israel (vv.11:26-12:24)
2. 耶羅波安三件悖逆的事 Jeroboam’s Three things of disobedience
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-8-7-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration堅固磐石 The Solid Rock 視頻video,
回應 Response深哉 天父的愛 How Deep The Father's Love For Us 視頻video,
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推雅推喇的教會 The Church in Thyatira
梁誠德牧師Pastor Tony Leung
Revelation 啓示錄2:18-29
2022-7-31-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video,
1.主的名銜 His title
2.主的稱讚 His comment
3.主的責備 His rebuke
4.主的勸勉 His encouragement
5.主的警告 His warning
6.主的應許 His promises
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-7-31-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration昨日, 今日, 到永遠 Yesterday Today Forever 視頻video,
回應 Response 萬邦之歌Song For The Nations 視頻video,
主所愛的教會 Church That Christ Loves
林崇智牧師Pastor David Lum
Revelation 啓示錄3:7-13
2022-7-24-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video,
1. 基督對非拉鐵非教會的稱讚 Christ’s commendation of Philadelphia
(vv. 7-9)
2. 基督對非拉鐵非教會的期望 Christ’s expectation of Philadelphia
church (vv. 8-9, 11)
3. 基督賞賜的應許Christ’s promise of reward (vv.10, 12)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-7-24-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration為何要歌頌耶穌 Why Do I Sing About Jesus 視頻video,
回應 Responsen昨日, 今日, 到永遠 Yesterday Today Forever 視頻video,
將來必成的事 Things Must Soon Take Place
梁誠德牧師Pastor Tony Leung>
讀經 Scripture: Revelation 啓示錄1:1-20
2022-7-17-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video,
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-7-17-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 使我復興 Revive Us Again 視頻video,
回應 Response 我的子民,若向我禱告If My People Will Pray 視頻video,
安慰的佳音 Good News of Comfort
余賜興牧師Pastor Chris Yue
以賽亞書40:1-3, 8-10
2022-7-10-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video
講道大綱 Outline:
1.前言引導 Introduction
2.安慰與勸勉的訊息 Message of comfort & Encouragement
3.生活應用與挑戰Life application & Challenges
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-7-10-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 2022-7-10-Bilingual Singspiration 使我復興 Revive Us Again 視頻video,
回應 Response 向高處行 Higher Ground視頻video,
末世門徒 /Eschatological Disciple
梁誠德牧師 Pastor Tony Leung
Daniel 但以理書 11:36-12:13
2022-7-3-雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video,
講道大綱 Outline: 末期的事 Last Things
1. 神有自己的時間 並祂自己的方法
God, in His own time and in His own way
2. 耶穌基督會親自再來 Jesus Christ will return personally
3. 義人要復活 The righteous will be resurrected
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-7-3-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 向高處行 Higher Ground 視頻video,
回應 Response我們是一家 We Are Family 視頻video,
國際糾紛的預言 不滿現狀Prophecies Among the Nations
梁誠德牧師 Pastor Tony Leung
Daniel 但以理書 11:1-35
2022-6-26雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video,
講道大綱 Outline:
1. Mede-Persia 瑪代波斯 (v. 2)
2. Greece 希臘 - Alexander the Great 亞歷山大大帝 (vv. 3-4)
3. Egypt 埃及法老 king (South) vs. Syria king 敘利亞霸主 (North) (vv. 5-35)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-6-26-Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration昨日, 今日, 到永遠 Yesterday Today Forever 視頻video,
回應 Response我們是一家 We Are Family 視頻video,
薪火相傳: 不滿現狀/ Pass the Torch: Don’t Settle
方鎮明博士Dr. Chun Ming Fong
Scripture: Genesis 創世紀 11:27-32; 12:1-9
2022-6-19雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video,
講道大綱 Outline:
1.他拉: 「安居」在哈蘭,不再前進到迦南
Terah: Settle in Haran, no longer advance to Canaan
2.亞伯拉罕: 「不滿現狀」,從哈蘭走向迦南
Abram: Don’t settle in Haran; Move forward to Canaan
3.以色列人: 因「相信神的應許」和「順服神的帶領」而獲得流奶與蜜之地
The Israelites: By trusting God’s promise and obeying God’s guidance, they “obtain” the land of milk and honey.
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-6-19Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 以馬內利 Emmanuel
主愛同在 With God’s Love,獻上頌讚 Shout To The Lord 視頻video,
回應 Response 薪火永傳 視頻video,
信仰的承傳/ Hand of God
李英柏牧師 Pastor Amos Lee
Colossians 歌羅西書 1:28-29
2022-6-12雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video,
講道大綱 Outline: 講道大綱 Outline:
I. Only One Generation Away 只有一代人的距離
II. Faith is Caught Rather than Taught 信仰是模仿得來的
III. The Role of the Church 教會的角色
1. Pray 禱告
2. Help Your ___________ . 幫助__________
3. Encourage a sense of "___________" in the Church 鼓勵教會中的"__________ "意識
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-6-12Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 面對未收的莊稼 Facing A Task Unfinished 視頻video,
回應 Response 我的子民,若向我禱告If My People Will Pray 視頻video,
神的按手The Hand of God
梁誠德牧師 Pastor Leung
但以理書 Daniel 10:1-21
2022-6-5 雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video,
講道大綱 Outline:
1. God touches him to stand 使他站起來 (v.10)
2. God touches him to speak 使他説起話來 (v.16)
3. God touches him to have strength 使他剛強起來 (v.18)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-6-5 Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 我的子民,若向我禱告If My People Will Pray 視頻video,
回應 Response 面對未收的莊稼 Facing A Task Unfinished 視頻video,
同心合意傳福音Church United for Gospel Mission
林崇智牧師 Pastor David Lum
I Corinthians 哥林多前書 1:1-17
2022-5-29 雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video,
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-5-29Bilingual Sermon视频Video, -->
唱詩 Singspiration 我知誰掌管前途 I Know Who Holds The Future(Bilingual)視頻video,
回應 Response 傳給萬邦 Tell It To The Nations 視頻video,
禱告的門徒 Praying Disciple
梁誠德牧師 Pastor Tony Leung
但以理書 Daniel 9:1-27
2022-5-22雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service
講道大綱 Outline:
1.Intercessory prayer example 代禱範本 (vv. 3-19):
Prepared physically 外在準備 (v. 3)
Begins with adoration 先有敬拜 (v. 4)
Confession 認罪悔改 (vv. 5-15)
Plea for mercy 懇求憐憫 (vv. 16-19)
2. Discovered God’s timeline 揭曉神的計劃 (vv. 20-27):
Seventy times seven 七十個七
1st stage - 49 years desolation 49 年荒涼 (v. 25)
2nd stage - 434 years restoration 434 年恢復 (v. 26)
3rd stage - 7 years persecution 7 年艱難 (v. 27)
有遠見的門徒 Visionary Disciple
梁誠德牧師 Pastor Tony Leung
但以理書 Daniel 8:1-27
2022-5-15雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service
講道大綱 Outline:
1. Receive the vision 領受異象 (V. 1-14)
2. Respond to vision 應對解象 (V. 15-27)8)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-5-15Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 我真希奇I Stand Amazed 視頻video
回應 Response 面對未收的莊稼 Facing A Task Unfinished 視頻video
母親的懇求 A Mother’s Plead
梁誠德牧師 Pastor Tony Leung
馬太福音Matthew 20:20-28
2022-5-8雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service
講道大綱 Outline:
1. Receive the vision 領受異象 (V. 1-14)
2. Respond to vision 應對解象 (V. 15-27)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-5-8Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 我真希奇I Stand Amazed 視頻video,
唱詩 Singspiration 面對未收的莊稼 Facing A Task Unfinished 視頻video,
先知的夢 化The Prophet’s Dream
梁誠德牧師 Pastor Tony Leung
但以理書 Daniel 7:1-28
2022-5-1雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service
講道大綱 Outline:
1. Son of Man 人子 (v. 13)
2. The Ancient of Days 亙古常在者 (vv. 9, 13, 22)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-5-1Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 面對未收的莊稼 Facing A Task Unfinished 視頻video,
Chinese Baptist Church of Orange County
Anniversary Joint Service Celebration
門徒轉化 Disciple Shift
馬太福音 Matthew 4:19
1. 宣召 Call to Worship 張耕良牧師 Pastor Ryan Cheung 視頻video
2. 敬拜讚美 Singspiration 英語敬拜組 English Worship Team 視頻video
齊來尊崇榮耀基督 All Hail The Glorious Christ
我願常見祢 Be Thou My Vision
3. 祈禱 Invocation 楊保羅牧師 Pastor Paul Yang 視頻video
4. 唱述父神偉大權力 I Sing The Mighty Power Of God 視頻video
樂團協奏 Instrumental Ensemble
5. 哈利路亞, 讚美主名 Alleluia, Praise His Name 國語詩班 Mandarin Choir 視頻video
6.禱告 Prayer of Confession 楊積庠長老 Elder Chi Yang 視頻video
7. 世界之光 Light Of The World 兒童合唱 Children Ensemble 視頻video
8. 祈禱 Prayer of Petition 陳勁暉長老 Elder Kenneth Tan 視頻video
9. 祂是否配得 ? Is He Worthy? 徐家讚美團 Hsu Family Worship 視頻video
10a. 教會歷史回顧 Church History Slide Presentation 視頻video
10b. 教會前瞻 Church History Slide Presentation 林健全長老 Elder Steve Lum 視頻video
11. 讀經 Scripture Reading 馬太福音 Matthew 4:19 吳漢英& 宗華長老 Elders Daniel Ng & Howard Zong 視頻video
12. 信息 Sermon 門徒轉化 Disciple Shift 梁誠德牧師 Pastor Tony Leung
傳譯 English Interpreter 汪梁小瑤 Brenda Wang
大綱 Outline:
1. 什麼是門徒 What is Disciple?
2. 如何成為門徒 How to be Discipled?
3.各生活層面上反映門徒成長階段的一般特徵: General spiritual stages in life:
13. 傳給萬邦 Tell It To The Nations 雙語堂詩班 Bilingual Choir 視頻video
14. 三一頌 Doxology, 祝福 Benediction 三位牧師 Pastors
主題詩歌 2022 Theme Song 面對未收的莊稼 Facing A Task Unfinished 會眾 Congregation 視頻video
Pastor Leung 梁誠德牧師
The Teachings of Believing and Being Baptized 信而受浸的
羅馬書 Romans 6:3-8
2022-4-17雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Sunday Service视频Video,
講道大綱 Outline:
1. The Mandate of Baptism 浸禮的教導
The Lord’s commission 主的使命 (Matthew 馬太福音 28:19-20)
2. The Model of Baptism 浸禮的榜樣
The Lord’s example 主的示範 (Matthew 馬太福音 3:13-17;
Acts 使徒行傳 8:26-40)
3. The Meaning of Baptism 浸禮的意義
The Lord’s burial and resurrection 主的埋葬和復活 (Romans 羅馬書 6:3-4,
6-8; Colossians 歌羅西書 2:12; Philippians 腓立比書 4:13)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-4-17 Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 救主今已復活 The Lord, Our God Is Risen 視頻video,
祈禱 Prayer 面對未收的莊稼 Facing A Task Unfinished 視頻video,
Dr. Fong 方鎮明牧師
The Power of Jesus to Cast Out “Demons” 耶穌趕「鬼」的能力
馬太福音 Matthew 12:22-32
2022-4-10雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Live Stream直播 视频Video
講道大綱 Outline:
1. 耶穌趕鬼的能力從何而來?
Where did Jesus' power to cast out demons come from?
2. 魔鬼的權柄「現在已經」全然崩潰。
The devil‘s authority “has now” completely collapsed.
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-4-10 Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 立應許上Standing On The Promises 視頻video,
回應 Response當轉眼仰望耶穌 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus 視頻video
Pastor Leung 梁誠德牧師
王的懊惱 The King’s Upset
但以理書 Daniel 6:1-28
2022-4-3雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Live Stream直播 视频Video
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-4-3Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 在基督裏In Christ Alone視頻video,
回應 Response 祢的話Thy Word 視頻video
Pastor Leung 梁誠德牧師
王的時機 The King’s Opportunity
但以理書 Daniel 5:1-31
2022-3-27雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Live Stream直播 视频Video
講道大綱 Outline:
1. The handwriting on the wall 牆上的字跡 (vv. 1-12)
2. The handwriting were interpreted 翻譯的字跡 (vv. 13-31)
3. The handwriting on our hearts 心中的字跡 (Ps. 詩8:3; Ex. 出31:18)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-3-20Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 我真希奇I Stand Amazed視頻video,
回應 Response 使我復興 Revive Us Again 視頻video
Pastor Leung 梁誠德牧師
王的復歸 The King’s Restoration
但以理書 Daniel 4:1-37
2022-3-20雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Live Stream直播 视频Video
講道大綱 Outline:
1. King’s testimony to the world 王向世人的見證
a. His exaltation 他高舉神 (vv. 1-4)
b. His dream 他作的夢 (vv. 4-18)
c. His prediction 對他的預告 (vv. 19-27)
d. His judgment 對他的審判 (vv. 28-33)
e. His restoration 對他的恢復 (vv. 34-37)
2. Restoration work of God 神恢復的作為
a. Our love for Him 我們對祂的愛 (Ps. 詩 51:12)
b. Our love for church 我們對教會的愛 (2 Cor. 林後 5:17)
c. Our love for world 我們對世界的愛 (Jn. 約 13:35; Rev. 啟 21:1-5)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-3-20Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration堅固磐石 The Solid Rock 視頻video,
回應 Response 我們是一家 We Are Family 視頻video
Pastor Lum 林崇智牧師
祈求榮耀的豐盛 Prayer for Glorious Fullness
以弗所書 Ephesians 3:14-21
2022-3-13雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Live Stream直播 视频Video
講道大綱 Outline:
1. 支取靈命的力量 To receive strength in your inner man (弗 Eph. 3:17)
2. 支取愛的力量To have power to comprehend God’s love (弗 Eph. 3:17-18)
3. 支取神的充滿 To be filled with all the fullness of God (弗 Eph. 3:19-20)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-3-13 Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration我心獻曲 My Tribute 祈禱 Prayer 視頻video,
成為宣教導向的人 Be Missional
但以理書 Daniel 3: 26-30
2022-3-6 雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Live Stream直播 视频Video
講道大綱 Outline:
1. Confronting challenge 時代的挑戰 (vv. 1-12)
2. Confessing Christ 認信主基督 (vv. 13-18)
3. Confounding concept 混雜的觀念 (vv. 19-25)
4. Confirming conversion 確定的悔悟 (vv. 26-30)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-3-5 Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration祢的信實廣大 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 視頻video,
回應 Response 傳給萬邦 Tell It to the Nations視頻video
鍾惠賢牧師 Pastor Francis Chung
反抗或復興: 教會對神話語的回應 Defiance or Revival:
The Church’s Response to The Word of God
羅馬書 Romans 10:15
2022-2-27 雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Live Stream直播 视频Video
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-2-27 Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩Songs of Praise 萬邦之歌Song for the Nations視頻video,
回應 Response 傳給萬邦 Tell It to the Nations視頻video
趙佳權宣教士 Pastor David Chiu
佳美的腳蹤 Beautiful Path
羅馬書 Romans 10:15
2022-2-20 雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Live Stream直播 视频Video
講道大綱 Outline:
1.引言 Introduction
Life of those who constantly share the gospel is beautiful
3. 不是所有人都同 意 , 但當主再來時, 大家都會看見並承認
Not everyone thinks so but when Christ returns, all will see and agree
4. 結論 Conclusion
5. 見證 Testimony?
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-2-20 Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 向高處行 Higher Ground 視頻video,
回應 Response 傳給萬邦 Tell It to the Nations視頻video
方鎮明博 Dr. Chun Ming Fong
行神蹟的耶穌 Jesus: The Fascinating Miracle Worker
馬太福音 Matthew 8:16, 9:20-22
2022-2-13 雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Live Stream直播 视频Video
講道大綱 Outline:
1. Jesus Miraculously Healed Diseases and Cast Out Demons.
Is it a historical fact? 耶穌神蹟治病和趕鬼, 是歷史事實嗎?
2. What are the Differences. 比較耶穌的神蹟與行異能者的神蹟.
3. If Jesus could perform fascinating miracles what would it mean to you?
“行神蹟的耶穌” 對你的意義?
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-2-13Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration 在花園裡In The Garden 視頻video,
回應 Response 傳給萬邦 Tell It to the Nations視頻video
梁牧師 Pastor Tony Leung
夢想成真 Dream Can Come True
但以理書Daniel 2:1-4
2022-2-6 雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Live Stream直播 视频Video
講道大綱 Outline:
1.報夢The Dream Received (vv. 1-13)
2.顯夢The Divine Revelation (vv. 14-30)
3.解夢The Dream Revealed (vv. 31-45)
4.顯靈The Divine Reverberated (vv. 46-49)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-2-6Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩Songs of Praise 萬邦之歌Song for the Nations視頻video,
回應詩歌當轉眼仰望耶穌Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus視頻video
黃嘉生牧師 Pastor James Hwang
元宇宙, 靈境界, 與福音 Meta-Verse, Spiritual Realm, and Gospel
哥林多前書 2:13-16;哥林多後書 12:2-4
2022-1-30 雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Live Stream直播 视频Video
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-1-30Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩Songs of Praise當轉眼仰望耶穌/惟主使我心靈興奮 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus/All That Thrills My Soul視頻video,
回應詩歌榮耀歸主基督 All Glory Be To Christ視頻video
梁牧師 Pastor Leung
新年立新志 New Year New Resolution
但以理書 Daniel 1:1-10
2022-1-23 雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Live Stream直播 视频Video
講道大綱 Outline:
1. Ashpenaz’s order 亞施毘拿的授命
2. Belteshazzar’s resolution 伯提沙撒的志向
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-1-23Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩Songs of Praise 主是平安 He Is Our Peace視頻video,
回應詩歌 憂慮全交託 Cares Chorus視頻video
馬志星牧師 Pastor Andrew Ma
如鷹展翅 Mount Up With Eagles’ Wings
以賽亞書Isaiah 40: 27-31
2022-1-16 雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Live Stream直播 视频Video
講道大綱 Outline:
1. 十字架與舊約割禮 Cross vs. old circumcision (vv. 11-14)
2. 十字架與新造的人 Cross vs. new creation (vv. 15-18)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-1-16Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration等候耶和華的They That Wait Upon The Lord
回應詩歌Response 榮耀歸主基督 All Glory Be To Christ 視頻video
梁誠德牧 Pastor Tony Leung
十字架的印記 The Mark of The Cross
Galatians 加拉太書6:11-18
2022-1-9 雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Live Stream直播 视频Video
講道大綱 Outline:
1. 十字架與舊約割禮 Cross vs. old circumcision (vv. 11-14)
2. 十字架與新造的人 Cross vs. new creation (vv. 15-18)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022-1-9 Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration等候耶和華的They That Wait Upon The Lord
回應詩歌Response 榮耀歸主基督 All Glory Be To Christ 視頻video
梁誠德牧 Pastor Tony Leung
愛的負擔與福份 Burdens and Blessings of Love
Galatians 加拉太書 6:1
| 2022-1-2雙語堂主日聚會Bilingual Live Stream直播 视频Video
講道大綱 Outline:
1. 分擔重擔 Share the burden (vv. 1-5)
2. 分享祝福 Share the blessings (vv. 6-10)
部份程序細節 Sectional recording
2022/1/2 Bilingual Sermon视频Video,
唱詩 Singspiration
齊來稱頌偉大之神 Great God, We Sing Your Mighty Hand, 我心靈得安寧 It Is Well With My Soul視頻video
回應詩歌Response 榮耀歸主基督 All Glory Be To Christ 視頻video